• General Info About Crested Geckos Care

    Crested geckos are known for their unique appearance and easy-to-care-for nature, making them a popular choice among reptile enthusiasts. If you're considering adding a crested gecko to your family, there are a few things you should know about their care.


    First and foremost, it's important to purchase your crested gecko from a local breeder rather than a pet store. Not only are locally-bred geckos often healthier, but you'll also be supporting a small business in your community. Plus, local breeders often have a wider variety of morphs and patterns to choose from, making it easier to find the perfect gecko for your home.


    Crested geckos have a relatively long lifespan, living up to 10-15 years or more. As they grow, they typically reach a size of 8-10 inches, with babies starting out at around 3 inches. To create a comfortable living environment for your crested gecko, it's important to choose the right substrate. Cypress mulch, bed-a-beast, sphagnum moss, peat moss, and even paper towels can all be used as substrates.


    Temperature and lighting are also crucial factors in the care of your crested gecko. During the day, the temperature should range between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with nighttime temperatures dropping to around 65 degrees. It's important to avoid overheating your gecko, as temperatures above 80 degrees can cause them to become stressed. While crested geckos don't need UVB lighting, they do require 12 hours of ambient light and 12 hours of darkness.


    Maintaining the proper humidity level is also key to the health of your crested gecko. Aim for a humidity level of 65-75%, which can be achieved by adding real plants to their enclosure or misting with water regularly.


    When it comes to feeding your crested gecko, they are omnivores and require a mix of insects, nectar, and fruit. A popular choice is the crested gecko diet (CGD), which is a meal replacement powder that can be ordered online. Simply mix one part CGD and two parts water in a small plastic cup that can be reused, and offer additional live feeders such as crickets, dubia roaches, wax worms, and butter-worms.


    In summary, crested geckos make great pets due to their unique appearance and low-maintenance care requirements. By following these simple tips for their care, you can provide your gecko with a comfortable and healthy home for years to come.